Wednesday 21 April 2010

Weekend homework.

Hi Folks, Apart from a PCM page (p 97) about odd and even numbers today, you need to write your three goals for the term down. Please think carefully about what is achievable within the final term of Y5 and what you would like to achieve before you move on to Y6.
The other homework is the start of a three week task detailed below. You all have the paper today with your section highlighted. You ONLY have to do the bit highlighted in yellow. I have done it like this so that we don't get fed up listening to the same presentation over and over again. This way, only 2 or three people are researching each aspect.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs. W.
Year 5 Research Task: International Aid Agencies
During this ITU we will be looking at how the eye works as we study light and will be also be looking at the work of International Aid Agencies, and how they help people around the world to improve their eyesight, providing glasses for people, preventing unnecessary blindness etc.
We are going to be learning about the work of Vision Aid and SightSavers. Their websites are below
The class are going to work individually to research different aspects of these agencies and then they will be asked to do a presentation on their particular aspect. The format of the presentation is free choice between either a poster, PowerPoint Presentation or a three-fold leaflet done on Publisher .
You need to research the area highlighted below.
You will need to use the INTERNET for this research. Use the tabs on the home pages of the web sites to guide you to the information, but you must use your OWN words in your presentation.
1. VISION AID – What do Vision Aid do? Find out about: What are their goals? Education and research, key facts about the agency, Plans for development, Outreach centres, Vision centres.
2. VISION AID – Vision Aid works in 8 countries. Choose 4 of those countries and tell us about the work going on in each of them.
3. VISION AID – Getting involved. Do a presentation about how we as a school could get involved in the work of Vision Aid. Use the website for specific information, including fundraising events, what is happening and where? How to donate, information for schools, recycling glasses.
4. SIGHTSAVERS – Who are they? What do they do? What have they achieved? Research the ‘Our Work’ section of their website to find answers to these questions.
5. SIGHTSAVERS – Go to the KIDZONE section of the website. Find out about 4 children that Sightsavers have helped. Make you presentation about what their situation was and how Sightsavers made a difference to their lives.
6. SIGHTSAVERS – Causes of Blindness – Go to the Kidzone section of the website and look at Causes of Blindness. Make your presentation about the 4 causes described here.
7. SIGHTSAVERS – How do Sightsavers help blind adults and children, and what is Braille? Go to KidZone ‘Our Blindness Work’ section.

You will have THREE WEEKS to complete the whole task, including gathering information, finding the answers to the focus questions and getting your presentation ready. DO NOT LEAVE IT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. All presentations will take place during the week beginning 8th May 2010.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing your presentations.

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