Tuesday 21 September 2010

Today's Homework

Hi Folks,
Thanks for doing your homework yesterday. Everybody except one brought it in. Let's try for EVERYONE next time.

Today's homework then...
1. Practise the 4 and 7 times table tonight. We will have a mini test on these tomorrow. I need to find out who knows which of the times tables. If you already know them, just recap the facts.

2. Write 3 targets for yourself for Term 1. Do these in your jotter and use the notes we wrote today to help you make the targets SMART.

Specific - clear and precise
Measurable -you can check whether or not you have done it.
Achievable - YOU can achieve it.
Realistic - it is not impossible or too difficult.
ime related - to be done by the end of Term 1

You don't need to bring the targets until SATURDAY, so you can think about it over the weekend.

See you tomorrow,
Mrs. W XXX

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