Tuesday 18 January 2011

It's Official: Mrs. Ward's BRAIN has turned to mashed potato!

Hi Folks,
Not only was I totally distracted by the fact that I had to be 'Mr. Ward's wife' yesterday and go out for the evening to celebrate his birthday, carelessly NEGLECTING our class Blog and not putting up the homework, but now I have discovered another piece of evidence leading me to the conclusion that my brain has COMPLETELY TURNED TO MASHED POTATO!!!!
Thanks to SABRINA, who is on the ball, and is at home right now doing her homework, I have discovered that you have ALREADY DONE PCM Page 37!!! (I really should have checked, but I just looked in MY copy which of course is not filled in). So sorry, but nobody spotted it in school!! (Maybe you all had a plan to trick me and then you'd get less homework!)
Don't try and do a different page. Just learn your spellings and make sure you have completed the tasks for both your reading books by tomorrow.
If the CAS students come, we will be doing reading workshop, so you will get your books changed. I am looking for EFFORT, not just the minimum, but CARE over presentation, DETAILED written responses, coloured illustrations where appropriate. NOT just rushed, untidy work please! I know you can do it.

Thanks for noticing the PCM Sabrina.

See you tomorrow,
Mrs. W.


Unknown said...

mrs ward it wasint a trick

Anonymous said...

i will destroy u

Unknown said...

who is anymous:0

Kim Ward said...

I don't know who anonymous is, but I'm not scared. Are you? Never be afraid of an enemy who is too afraid to identify themselves!!!