Dear All,
I know it has taken me a week to put this good bye message on the Blog but in my defence, I have packed up my whole house and flown to the other side of the world since school ended on 6th July.
I was so touched by your generosity on the last day and I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate your wonderful words and my very special gifts. I will treasure those memories.
You have been a great class. yes, you DID drive me NUTS at times, but we also had a very special year and I have seen you all grow as people. I hope you will remember Year 5 with fondness.
I will continue my Blog with my new class but of course, it will be somewhat different!
At least you can keep track of what I am doing and see my new victims (pupils).
Lots of love to you all and may you all have a fabulous summer.
Think of me as I start work on 20th July! and Hannah and James start school on 1st August!!!
Bye for now,
Mrs. Ward
PS the picture is of our new house in Cebu. xXX