Sunday 26 October 2008

Our Creation Myths

To start us off on our new ITU 'Myths , Legends and Beliefs' we wrote our own creation myths to explain, in a fictional story, why certain things happen on Earth and how things were created.

Some people did especially well with their presentation, so I took a few photos of their finished product. Before we got to this stage we used 'peer editing' to try to improve each other's stories and help each other correct spelling and punctuation errors. One or two did slip through the editing process though, but we are getting better at it. Most people found it very rewarding having a partner read their work and make comments about their story. We all like being told we have done a good job, don't we?

Enjoy these!
Mrs. W. XXX

Whatever I seem to do, I can't seem to get the right bits of the right stories to be next to each other, so you'll have to work it out!

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