Monday 16 November 2009

Today's Homework

Hi folks,
Here's today's details:

1. PCM Sheet. I photocopied the page because I wanted to remind you of the method we learned this week in school AND I do not want you to write on the sheet. Copy each question into your maths homework book, showing the LONG method of calculation for each one. YOU MUST MAKE AN ESTIMATE FIRST in each case.

2. You all have a new Reading book this week, so that means a whole new Reading Log activity. Some of you made a lovely start on your first one, others made hardly any effort at all! Aim to impress please!

3. You all have spellings to learn (PLUS THE MEANINGS), plus I am testing you on your 8 and 9 times table this week remember, so get practising!

I might get around to videoing you tomorrow.....I have read all your statements. They are really good by the way! Keep up the good work.
Mrs. W.

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