Wednesday 6 January 2010

Today's Homework

Hi Folks,
This weekend you have week 3 of the Oort Cloud Mission to write. 'The Inner Planets'. I have been through it with you in more detail this week as I know some of you struggled with the previous weeks. (4 people did not do week 2, which was for the holiday, so you really need to do that first!)
Also, I want you to review your Term 1 Targets and write new ones for Term 2. I have given you very detailed instructions (you should have stuck it in your diary) about this. The reason most of you did not achieve one of your Term 1 targets is that you did not make it measurable. Remember to make you targets SMART
T=Time related (this is easy as they will be for term 2)

Only give yourself about three targets, more is not realistic!

A tiny bit of maths in the form of Daily Maths Part 2.

Thanks and have a lovely weekend everyone. By the way, well done this week, you have ALL worked extremely hard.
Mrs. Ward

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