Saturday 3 April 2010

No official Homework, but....

Hi Folks,
As you know, we don't give you holiday homework, as we believe that it is really important to enjoy family time during the holidays. However, if you do find yourself at a loss for something to do, it would be a good idea to think about our new ITU and get yourself prepared for it. It is heavily weighted towards SCIENCE. You can find the link to a great website on the left hand side of this Blog page under the Golden Book person and the Ye Ha! dancers, but I will also put it here.

If you do have time or you get bored in the holidays, it would be fun to visit this link and do some of the activities makes sense!

Look at Forces, changing circuits, changing sounds, how we see, light and dark, light and shadows, magnets and springs. We will be investigating all of these in THE PHYSICAL WORLD.

Have a wonderful holiday, take care and see you on 17th April.
Love Mrs. Ward

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