Tuesday 25 January 2011

Chewsday in Y5.5!

Hi Folks,
Well a lot of chewing did go on today, as we did have the North House bake sale, so I thought I'd go with 'Chewsday' instead of the rather predictable 'Tuesday'. No? Oh well...

I was really pleased with the Pandora's Box stories yesterday. I think that particular story grabbed a lot of people's attention. Great retelling! DO have a look at the web site on Myths and Legends and listen to a few more when you get spare time. Those of you who have been on the site have told you how good the stories are.

Wasn't it funny about yesterday's probability homework. Will there be a storm tonight? We hardly EVER get storms, but last night, we DID!! That's one important thing to remember about probability. It often depends on who you are, or where you are as to the likelihood of events.

A special mention and well done to Maria, Sabrina and Luke who actually did the WHOLE task and came up with their own 10 suggested comments to decide the likelihood of. However, 3 out of 21 (one seventh) is not good in terms of a perfect homework record!!!
I can see I am going to need to clamp down on a few people(you know who you are!), and I'm not saying a WORD about the spelling homework!

Today please do PCM page 42. We have pre-decided on the numbers in the boxes. This is to help me make sure we get a spread of 1 digit numbers (and 10) used on the multiplication questions. Not to mention the fact that we can check everyone's work at the same time. I'm not daft you know!

Reading and Reading Logtasks. Please work on these tonight, I will have a look tomorrow.
Now, let's see who reads this and takes it in... As you know, I won't be here next week, so I WILL be giving you new books tomorrow and helping you select appropriate tasks, but these are for the NEXT school week (to work on from Saturday 29th. Jan to Wednesday 2nd Feb.). You will get more new books/tasks NEXT Wednesday(2nd Feb).
Does that make sense?

Spelling test tomorrow. They were quite hard this week, so good luck revising the words.

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