Sunday 6 February 2011

Mrs. Ward is getting old!

Hi Folks,
You know how you sometimes have the feeling that you have forgotten something, but you can't think of what it is? Perhaps you are far too young to feel like that. Well, I get that feeling all the today, when I had said goodbye to my dance group, sat down at my classroom computer and loaded up our hit me....SPELLING TEST. I said yesterday I would test you on the words given out last week on the online pack.....BUT I forgot to do it. Not surprisingly, no-one in the class reminded me either. I blame the fact that we were so involved in our Art this morning and then we had to spend longer on our maths, time just flew away, and before we knew it, it was story time and then clubs!!!
TOMORROW....Hopefully I won't be saying tomorrow again tomorrow, because as you know, tomorrow never comes, but the spelling test WILL!

Tonight is Arabic homework, so just do Daily Maths 3 and your reading for me.

I'm hoping to post some pictures of your creative mythological monsters when you've finished. They are looking good so far.

See you at the pool first thing tomorrow.
Mrs. W. XXX
PS Remember to bring your BOOK ORDER, last day tomorrow! Also bring in your application for the 'Festival of Football' if you want to join in on the day.

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